Monday, January 21, 2008

Going with the Flow

Since everyone seems to have posted about themselves...

William Osborne, 22, English Literature/Secondary Education. Home stretch this semester

I'm also a full time personal trainer in Secaucus and Belleville

I barely have time to breath.

Uh, I read, write, etc. I don't do math. It doesn't have a enough words.

I have 4 out of 4 classes with D. Powers. She's one lucky classmate.

That's enough.



Dr. Luongo said...

Great to see you on the site, Will.

I am excited to see your educational insights and postings throughout the senester!


DTP said...

I am indeed lucky to be in 4 out of 4 classes with you. I'd be even luckier if you remembered how to spell my name. There's no s!